LGI tm was created as a research and solutions institution to find alternative methods for health and wellness. We also do alternative green and sustainable energy research and advise and educate on alternative global finance and solutions.


This LGI tm alternative health and healing finance product IS A SAVINGS PLAN ACCOUNT at LGI tm, that intends to fill a big gap in the marketplace relating to the availability of funds to pay for alternative cancer care consultations / alternative therapies / alternative products required or for alternative instruments help patients of LGI tm to get well again...


1. You apply for an Alternative Health Care Savings Plan Account at LGI tm by simply sending us a email request for registration and the opening of your account at LGI tm (or see the rep / member manual).

2. If we approve your savings account, we will issue you with your account number or / and with an account reference number (As per a bank account dual number system).

3. You will ALWAYS only use the ACCOUNT REFERENCE number and NOT the actual savings account number!)

4. You will include your basic details as per enable us to open your account;

5. You will go to your bank and arrange for a stop order to be created to pay over into our account your monthly or weekly chosen amount to benefit yourself - for when you will need pay LGI tm for consultations / nutritional products / organics / therapies / instruments required for your health care, etc.

6. Or you will sent us a cash payment or premium via supermarket cash transfer services e.g. using 'CashSend' services... Remember to include your LGI tm account reference number as a reference, so we can identify your payment and credit your savings account at LGI tm.

7. Or pay in 'goods' or 'kind' or 'labor-credits', as we will indicate to you at your request per each time!

8. As services or products required is supplied or leased or applied to yourself, LGI tm will then deduct or debit your LGI tm savings account directly - to pay your bills in health and healing, related to services supplied to you by ourselves or by our registered associates...relating to what you owe them / us. It is like a clothing store account. You buy and we bill your account directly...but it is a savings account! You cannot go into any debt - unless if you ask us for an overdraft when your savings falls short of what you require at any point in time.

9. One benefit of this product is that when you run out of medical cover or options and is sent home to die...we can help you with alternative health / alternative modalities / alternative products / alternatives solutions, etc. And if you have done your own personal research in these matters, then you will know and understand why you need this product / therapies / consultations / instruments, etc. So please do get re-educated to reality and to truth - before it is too late. If you need help with pointers / advise / directions / media / consultations...then simply contact us and ask!

10. Another benefit is that if you loose your job or income then you have this savings account in a plus status - and you never loose it, neither will it expire as with a medical insurance plan.

11. You may skip payments if and when necessary without penalties.

12. Fees will apply for all services required / requested or rendered, as per our standard client prices, as amended from time to time. Discounts for poorer people may be requested and applied as per each individual case at our sole discretion. When discount requests is received, we expect clients to be honest and transparent with us.

13. A admin / donation / join / business opportunity fee of R1600 applies to open your account! This may be paid as a first payment fully in cash...or it can / will be taken from your first few premium payments to us. In other words, at account opening we will bill your account with R1600.

14. A yearly or monthly fee of 10% of all premiums paid to your account will be deducted for administration of your account - as we must pay someone to keep your account's bookkeeping.

15. LifeSurePlan tm Account tm holders may ask for discounts irrespective of their personal situation, as such is a standard perk for this other L.S.P. Card and its holder at LGI tm. You may inquire about this LSP Card if you so desire.


Simply order nutrition products / therapy programs / instruments / goods / consultations, etc., from LGI tm and we simply and directly debit your savings account with us. This includes contracted associates or third party suppliers products and services, when and where applicable.


If you wish to supply / grow / package / import / manufacture products or instruments for LGI tm to service our client base (in any and all of our business - for health / healing or for many other purposes) then register with LGI tm directly by sms or by email request. Fees / contracts / arrangements / royalties / commissions may apply.


Such may be added to this site in due course. Meanwhile simply email or sms me your application and registration request and include your basic details: Name, Surname, Date of birth, I.D. Number, Tel. Number, email, Cell Number, Full address, Premium you want to pay monthly / weekly / occasionally. Indicate how you want to pay your savings plan payments: Cash / Bank stop order / CashSend at supermarket or store or bank / Electronic funds transfer / PayPal / By Credit card, etc. Once your account has been opened for you we will inform you of your account number, Account reference number, LGI branch number, email for commsand contact person handling your account at the LGI applicable branch. 


Decent, stable, honest, serious people may apply to help LGI tm from home or from their existing businesses - and may earn income by marketing this product for us; assisting us by focussed advertizing systems and campaigns, etc., or by supplying to us your quality products or services. Please apply to get registered with us. Commissions is payable to registration reps for directly registering people for this 'ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN tm' product.

To contact us, please click here!

Wishing you well in health and healing;-

Kind regards, pierre le grande at LGI tm.

Copyrighted: 2016AD; LGI tm